A notable planning appeal win, based on detailed landscape evidence provided by our Partner, Dick Longdin, on behalf of Lancaster City Council.
The Planning Inspector agreed with Dick's written evidence and discussion's during the Hearing, that the appeal site should be considered as 'valued landscape' in terms of the NPPF paragraph 180.
'the proposal would cause substantial harm to a valued landscape ... (and) conflicts with the Framework’s clearly stated aim of protecting and enhancing valued landscapes and recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.
I find that the identified harm to landscape character is a decisive consideration that, even in the context of the Council’s poor housing supply position, represents an adverse effect of such weight that it would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the identified benefits when assessed against the policies in the Framework, taken as a whole.
Therefore, the appeal should be dismissed'.
This is somewhat of a landmark case, as the Inspector recognised the Landscape Institute's definition of 'valued landscape' and the LI's guidance on valuing landscape.