Harworth Group's hybrid planning application for 500 Homes (20% affordable), up to 100 senior living residences, a primary school, and local centre was voted for approval by planning committee on 16th January.
Randall Thorp prepared the Illustrative masterplan, Design and Access Statement and undertook the LVIA for the application.
The site, off Hale Gate Road, Widnes was allocated for housing within the adopted local plan. The new neighbourhood will provide 500, one-five bedroom homes, a potential new two form entry primary school and sports pitches, three LEAPS and up to 6.3HA of Public open space, Sustainable urban Drainage Systems and Biodiversity Net Gain improvements.
The development of the site has the potential to deliver a significant number of new homes for Halton Borough Councils housing need, through a well-designed, sustainable extension to Halebank.