Lea Green granted planning permission
25 September 2019
We are delighted to announce that our client Sherdley Estates has obtained full planning permission for 180 new homes off Elton Head Road, St Helens. Randall Thorp produced the masterplan and Design and Access Statement for the outline planning application in 2015, and more recently provided detailed landscape proposals to accompany the Reserved Matters planning application.
Randall Thorp to provide TVIA services for Old Trafford site
05 September 2019
Randall Thorp are delighted to be part of the EIA team supporting this residential-led mixed use development on the former Kellogg's site in Old Trafford. Randall Thorp will be producing the Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment chapter of the Environmental Statement.
The Chase at Beaulieu selected for National Design Guide
30 August 2019
The Design Council is in the process of creating a National Design Guide for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to support the NPPF. We are delighted that they wish to include images of our work at Beaulieu as an example of good housing. We look forward to seeing the published Design Guide shortly.
Randall Thorp present LVIA CPD session
23 July 2019
Dick Longdin and Joanne Folland were invited by Peel Land and Property to present an educational and engaging CPD session on the subject of LVIAs. Despite the potential dry nature of the subject matter, Dick and Jo made the session entertaining as well as informative.
Do get in touch with us @randallthorp if you would like to arrange a CPD event.
#masterplanning #team #teamwork #training #cpd #today #LVIAs
Cambourne West Design Code approved
20 June 2019
We are thrilled that, after almost two years of joint working with South Cambridgeshire District Council's Urban Design team, the Design Code for Cambourne West has been approved.
This 120 page document gives detailed design guidance on all aspects of the development, from green infrastructure to architectural details and provides a robust basis for future designers to design to decision makers to base their judgement on. We look forward to continuing this positive working relationship between our client's design team and the officers and members of SCDC.
Sheffield University External Examiner
11 June 2019
Dick assisted the Landscape Dept at Sheffield University as their External Examiner for the undergraduate degree course.
The standard of the student's work was again impressive, demonstrating the quality and strength of teaching in the department.
Beaulieu shortlisted for another award
12 April 2019
We are proud to announce Beaulieu has been shortlisted by the Evening Standard New Homes Awards, under the Best Large Development Category.
Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design
11 April 2019
Practice partner Dick Longdin has been awarded the title 'Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design' by the Urban Design Group.
The Urban Design Group is a campaigning membership organisation with over 1000 members who care about the quality of life in our cities, towns and villages, and believe that raising standards of urban design is central to its improvement.
Recognised Practitioners in Urban Design are committed professionals who can demonstrate exceptional expertise and knowledge in the subject. It is a designation that is being increasingly recognised by industry and clients as carrying weight.
Planning approval in Formby
28 March 2019
Randall Thorp is pleased to announce that outline planning permission has been granted for 286 homes on our client’s site in Formby. Randall Thorp was a key part of the design team providing masterplanning and LVIA services.