We are thrilled to announce that Randall Thorp assisted Trafford Council and developer Bruntwood Works in securing consent to build 750 homes and 200,000 sq ft of offices on the former Kellogg’s headquarters, in the Civic Quarter of Trafford. We provided Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment services for this new and exciting scheme.
The proposed residential development will also contain a 100-bedroom hotel and a primary school. Known as the Lumina Village, this project forms part of our continued work on the wider redevelopment of the Trafford Civic Quarter Area. See more details here.
The project team included Fielden Clegg Bradley – Architects, Avison Young – Planning consultants, as well as Curtins – Highways consultants, and Purcells UK – Heritage Consultants.
© imagery photographer and copyright holder - Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios.